Monday, October 25, 2010

Poems by: Robert “Bob” Trabold © Copyright 2010

Poems by: Robert “Bob” Trabold © Copyright 2010


It was so many years ago – student

in Paris – visited Le Louvre Museum –

entered the door – climbed marble

staircase – lightening – beauty strike me-

a statue!

Vibrant – moving – thrust

into action – winged victory –

its age? – thousand of years

have not fatigued its force.

I stood in wonder – I stand in

wonder still today – captivated

by its stunning energy – poster on the

wall repeats original dazzle in my eyes.

Same feelings vibrate within me -

wonder – awe as in the 1950’s –

repeating the lightening I felt as I climbed

marble staircase.

I have lived with the poster

for so many years –

they say – things of beauty are everlasting –

could be true! Statue may

disappear – poster too –

but I can still feel

its lightening – beauty touching – captivating me.



Soft touch – gentle head

bows – touches baby’s face.

Mother’s eyes – deeply mysterious –

looking into eternity.

Baby looking up – holding on to mom –

mother’s head – covered with black shawl –

dropping down – golden background –

light from heaven – shot through with divinity!

I am touched – feel quiet beauty

wrapping around me –

washing me in mystery –

touches of the divine –

the Beloved!

Mother’s eyes reach me –

include me in her meditation.

She wants me to stay quiet –

not run away.

Mother loves me too – taking me

by the hand - leads me to her son.

I feel delirious – ecstasy in my eyes.

Mystery overwhelms me – radiance

of Russian icon tells me –

“You are loved!” – “do not worry!”

Mystery of the mother is beyond

me – but her eyes watch me –

holding me – taking me by the hand –

until my journey ends.

Poems by: Robert “Bob” Trabold © Copyright 2010


Tilman Riemenschneider, Sculptor

Finely chiseled face – mouth – curly hair –

dreaming – gazing – questioning –

Adam – dazzled look – asking –

I am here – but where am I going?

standing next to Eve – his companion –

another mystery.

Adam began his journey – on earth –

in life – mountains tops.

He walked – tripped – picked

himself up. He never lost that

dazzled look – life amazed him –

kept dazzled look he had

at creation.

He asked questions – not many answers

were forth coming – some helpful – others

not. Such is life!

Life is dazzling – so many

events – boat on rough seas.

My life is the same –

have to remember – someone put me

here – just like Adam.

He looked dazzled – trip

of life is beyond us – we are not

in control . But we know the Lord loves

us – will not let our hand go.

So we look dazzled like Adam –

walking into mystery – holding on to

a hand – hand of God.



My Little Kids

I laugh – box of wild firecrackers

red –pink –yellow-

purple – orange – white –

portulacas – show offs.


Pink Daisies

I wake up – sleepy – bright sunshine -

surprise – laughing

pink daisies – tall –

sparkling – swaying – dancing – happy.


Last Black Eyed Suzies

I feel cool breeze – autumn knocks –

pink phlox fading -

garden slows – but

black eyed suzies – yellow – bright!

Poems by: Robert “Bob” Trabold © Copyright 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Universal By: Roslyn Katz ©Copyright 2010


Music, the sound of peace, sadness, joy or laughter
It is a pleasure that lives forever after
What is truly amazing is that it needs no words
That it is the same for the in crowd and the nerds
Melodies, harmonies and rhythm, universal in appeal
Wherever you live, it’s the language you feel
By: Roslyn Katz ©Copyright 2010

(Roz wrote this poem in response to our September 2010 Lesson about writing with a code, if you read the bold words in the poem, it says: "Music is truly the universal language") Thank you for sharing Roz!

October 19th 2010: Simplifying Poetry and Using Literary Devices

Barnes & Noble Poetry Workshop
{Tuesday October19th}~Please join us again on Tuesday November 15th~
Imagine yourself somewhere:______________________________
What do you see there? (Write 2 lines)
I see:____________________________________________________________________
I see: ____________________________________________________________________
What do you hear? (Write 2 lines)
I hear: ____________________________________________________________________
I hear: ____________________________________________________________________
What do you smell? (Write 2 lines)
I smell: ____________________________________________________________________
I smell: ____________________________________________________________________
How do you feel? (This is the last line)
I feel:______________________________________________________________________

-Now that you’ve described this place that you imagined, remove the “I see, I hear, I smell, I feel”
-Start to add in literary devices one line at a time
-Try to use adjectives, similes, metaphors, personification, assonance
-If you’d like to, add a rhyme. (Remember the A-B-A-B format from last time)
Things to know:
Adjectives are words that express an attribute of something or words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Words that describe appearance, condition, feeling, shape, size, sound, time, quantity.
Simile a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with `like' or `as') “Her eyes are as sparkly as the stars” “He was fast and agile like a cat”
Metaphor a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity “Her eyes are the sparkling stars” “He is a fast, agile cat”
Personification is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities. “The sunflower smiled at me with its bright, cheery face”
Assonance the repetition of similar vowels in the stressed syllables of successive words
With the sound, with the sound, with the sound of the ground. -, ""
on a proud round cloud in a white high night -, if a Cheer Rules Elephant Angel Child Should Sit

Tips and Notes
• Pick one literary device to start with, for example, take the simile and go to each line and try to fit one in. Then pick another and try it on each line.
• You are NOT going to use every single literary device on every single line, just try a few and see what works best.
• There is no right or wrong, have fun, and write what you feel 

~~~Lesson written by Amanda Konstantine Perlmutter~~~

Monday, September 27, 2010

More info for September's Lesson (links)

Hey everyone!

I wanted to thank you all for joining us in our last workshop which celebrated our 1 year anniversary as a group!

Our next meeting will be on TUESDAY October 19th, 2010 at 7:30pm, I hope to see everyone there, and hopefully some new faces as well!

If any of you are interested in previous lesson sheets, let me know and I can e-mail them to you.

For more information about our last lesson: A Valentine by: Edgar Allan Poe, you can visit the following links which will also provide the translation:

for more info about Frances Sargent Osgood and Edgar Allan Poe, visit the following links:

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for our workshop, you can reply to this e-mail, it may be fun to have some constructive feedback about how things are run with our workshop.

Please pay a visit to our own website full of fun, educational poetry lessons:


Friday, September 10, 2010

1 Year Anniversary Lesson 9-20-10, Analyzing Edgar Allan Poe

Barnes & Noble Poetry Workshop
Monday September 20th, 7:30 pm (Please join us again Tuesday October 19th)
Can you crack the code?
A VALENTINE by: Edgar Allan Poe
For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,
Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda,
Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling lies
Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.
Search narrowly the lines! - they hold a treasure
Divine - a talisman - an amulet
That must be worn at heart. Search well the measure-
The words - the syllables! Do not forget
The trivialest point, or you may lose your labor
And yet there is in this no Gordian knot
Which one might not undo without a sabre,
If one could merely comprehend the plot.
Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering
Eyes scintillating soul, there lie perdus
Three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing
Of poets, by poets - as the name is a poet's, too,
Its letters, although naturally lying
Like the knight Pinto-Mendez Ferdinando -
Still form a synonym for Truth - Cease trying!
You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do.

**Lesson created by Amanda Konstantine Perlmutter**

Lesson 9, 7-19-10, Found Poem

Barnes & Noble Poetry Workshop
**Please remember, no workshop in August. Come back on September 16th 2010**
How to Write a "Found Poem"
If you have to write a poem for school, or if you write poems for fun but feel your creativity drying up, you might want to try a type of poem that is entirely made out of someone else's words. Just as a collage is art made of someone else's images, but cut up and arranged by the artist, so a "found poem" is a poem made of words and phrases found in another text.
Things You'll Need:
• Some kind of text: a letter, newspaper article, old book, magazine article, or even assembly instructions
• Your own creative view of ideas and language
1. Choose a piece of writing that isn't yours. You may be happiest with your results if you choose something that doesn't seem poetic at all. A very old letter, an obsolete set of instructions for technology that no longer exists, a page of advertising copy, a biographical essay, or a news account can all have interesting words and phrases.
2. Study the text. Look for words and phrases that catch your eye, or that seem to contradict each other if you take them out of context. Look for repeated words and see what the text is trying to emphasize.
3. Select words and phrases from the text, and begin to arrange them on your own page. Try to keep them in order, even if you are leaving out phrases or sentences in between.
4. Look for poetic interest in these words. Look for ways to cut and arrange them to point out contrasting ideas or contradictions. Look for images that they provide. Select phrases that unintentionally rhyme, if you choose.
5. The resulting arrangement of these words is your "found poem." Ideally, it should convey its own meaning to a reader, a meaning probably not intended by the original writer of the letter, instructions, or article. If you can make an arrangement that has a meaning about life, love, ageing, wisdom, or any of the other eternal themes of poetry, you've made a pretty fine "found poem."
Tips & Warnings
• Pay attention to line breaks and spacing, and see if you can use these to shift the meaning of the original words.
• Short lines will more often work than long ones, since you want to get away from the original writer's style.
Read more: How to Write a "Found Poem" |

Lesson 8, 6-21-10, Tanka

Barnes & Noble Poetry Workshop Monday June 21st, 2010 (**Please join us next time, July 19th 2010 7:30pm**)
The Haiku that that wanted something more…
Tanka is a classical Japanese form of poetry that contrary to popular belief, came BEFORE the more popular Haiku. Tanka, like a Haiku, is generally focused on nature and emotion. Some call it the Haiku with a couplet at the end, because it basically is just that!
• Keep the 1st line 5 syllables
• Keep the 2nd line 7 syllables
• Keep the 3rd line 5 syllables
• And for the couplet (the last 2 lines in this case) each line must be 7 syllables.
• The Tanka poem is 5 lines long but written with a line-space so it is broken into 2 stanzas

If you really like a challenge:
• Try not to end every line with a single syllable word (such as: the, me, I, and…etc)
• Avoid rhyming the last word of each line with other lines (no end-rhyming)
• Try to write 2 Tanka poems and combine them as a 4 stanza-10 line poem!
An Example:
EXAMPLE from :

Line 1: Invisible hands
Line 2: caress my face; have I walked
Line 3: through a spider's web
Line 4: woven this morning to catch
Line 5: flies writhing with my surprise